Wilma is a 7yr old spayed female English Setter. She is a bit on the plump side weighing 63 lbs. A good weight would be around 50 lbs. Wilma came to us after her owner passed away. She is a bit confused but is willing to share her heart with another family. She is sweet as can be and has a beautiful smile. She just wants a place to call home again. She is said to be house trained. She has done well with other dogs and children. She has been fine with my kitty. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. She is heartworm negative. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-591-6621 . She is being fostered in Liberty Center, Ohio. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Cowboy is a 1yr old spayed female Beagle mix. She weighs 43 lbs. Cowboy is a very sweet girl who would love a family to call her own. She is a social girl who will make friends easily. She is part Beagle so she will need to be supervised when outside. She will follow her nose. She is that perfect size with a great temperament. She loves having new places to explore and would make a great walking buddy. We do not have a background on her but she acts like she might be good in the house. She has been fine with children and other dogs. She hasn't been cat tested. We are unsure if she is fully house trained. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-779-0862. She is being fostered in Ottawa Lake Michigan. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Patches is a 1yr old spayed female Beagle mix. She weighs 46 lbs. Patches is a very sweet girl who would love a family to call her own. She is a social girl who will make friends easily. She is part Beagle so she will need to be supervised when outside. She will follow her nose. She is that perfect size with a great temperament. She loves having new places to explore and would make a great walking buddy. We do not have a background on her but she acts like she might be good in the house. She has been fine with children and other dogs. She hasn't been cat tested. We are unsure if she is fully house trained. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-779-0862. She is being fostered in Ottawa Lake Michigan. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Clarabelle is a 3 to 4yr old spayed female Beagle/ Basset Hound mix. She weighs 31 lbs. We pulled Clarabelle from our local animal shelter. She came in as a stray and no one ever came for her. She is a very sweet girl who loves everyone. She is a very cute personality and is up for anything. She will happily go hiking with you or if you prefer she will curl up and enjoy a movie with you. She is a Beagle mix so following her nose is in her nature so she needs to be supervised we outside. She walks on a leash and knows a few commands. She loves toys and treats. She seems to be house trained. She has done well with other dogs and children. She is a little to curious about my cat. She hasn't tried to hurt my cat but I don't really trust her alone with a cat. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. She is heartworm negative. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-591-6621 . She is being fostered in Liberty Center, Ohio. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Mugsy is a 7yr old neutered male Shepherd/ Lab mix. He weighs 54 lbs. Mugsy was pulled from our local shelter . He was an owner surrender and the owners claimed to not have enough time for him. Mugsy is a happy and healthy guy. He loves romping in the yard but also settles down nicely and just enjoys hanging out. He is a smart guy who has quickly learned the routine here at the rescue and is very easy to get along with. He is treat motivated and will quickly figure out how to earn the treat. He is learning some manners but will still need some work. He is a great buddy who just needs someone to spend some time with him. He was house trained at one time but then the owners placed him on a chain in the backyard. He might need a little refreshing. He has been fine with children and other dogs. He is not good with cats. He is up to date on shots and wormed. He is already neutered. The adoption fee is $250. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419- 591-6621 . When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Copper is a 5 to 6yr old neutered male Standard Poodle. He weighs 65 lbs. Copper came to us from a breeder. He had an awful ear infection that has now been treated. He is a wonderful dog with a heart of gold. He is really embracing pet life and has turned into a real cuddlebug. He is rather laidback and prefers snuggles to romping in the yard. He will need a little more guidance on house training. He has been fine with children, other dogs and cats. He is up to date on shots and wormed. He is already neutered. The adoption fee is $400. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419- 591-6621 . When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Sophie is a 5yr old spayed female Labradoodle. She weighs 50 lbs. We are working on getting her into a groomer. Sophie is a sweetheart. She is loving her new found freedom and has even tried her paws with toys. She has an awesome personality and is going to be a lovely family pet. She would love to have a doggy friend to play with. She will need help with house training. She has done well with other dogs and children. She has been fine with my kitty. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. She is heartworm negative. The adoption fee is $400. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-591-6621 . She is being fostered in Liberty Center, Ohio. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Laila is a 3yr old spayed female Boxer/ Pitbull mix. Laila came to us as part of a cruelty case. Laila was loved but never received vet care or proper food. She had a terrible flea infestation and was missing a lot of hair. She was also thin and needed wormed. She has now been fully vetted and has put on some much needed weight. For everything she has been through Laila is still a very kind and gentle girl. She eagerly wants to please you and should quickly learn new commands. She has some energy but also calms down nicely. She is good with her food and happily shares toys and treats. She has been through enough and now deserves to live the good life. She seems very well house trained. She is up to date on shots and wormed. She is already spayed. The adoption fee is $200. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-779-0862 . She is being fostered in Ottawa Lake, Michigan. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Davey is a 1yr old neutered male Boxer/ Hound mix. This guy loves everyone. He would love a family who would include him in all of their daily activities. He would love to try his paw at hiking and camping. Heck he might even enjoy a dip in the pond. Davey has so much love to give . He is working on crate training and good manners. He is fine with other dogs and older children. He might be to much for real little children. He is up to date on shots and wormed. He is already neutered. The adoption fee is $200. If interested in meeting this cutie, please email [email protected] or call the foster at 419-779-0862. He is being fostered in Ottawa Lake Michigan. When emailing please include information about you and your family including other pets.
Heritage Farms Animal Rescue
V 607 State Route 109
Liberty Center, Ohio 43532
(419) 591-6621
This site and it's content are Copyright Heritage Farms Animal Rescue 2011 All Rights Reserved. No picture can be reproduced or used without the express and written permission of HFAR. Any copy or reproducing of photographs will be considered copyright infringement
V 607 State Route 109
Liberty Center, Ohio 43532
(419) 591-6621
This site and it's content are Copyright Heritage Farms Animal Rescue 2011 All Rights Reserved. No picture can be reproduced or used without the express and written permission of HFAR. Any copy or reproducing of photographs will be considered copyright infringement